The weather was very kind (what - no floods or other apocalypses??) and the usual blend of peace and activity prevailed. Some amazing objects were created under the watchful eyes of our resident tutors - one of the nicest things about a gathering weekend at Taliesin is that afterwards there always seems to be more beautiful things in the world than there were before....
Photos are starting to come in of the latest Autumn Gathering which was a fantastic weekend. You can see them in our Gallery for Autumn 2009.
The weather was very kind (what - no floods or other apocalypses??) and the usual blend of peace and activity prevailed. Some amazing objects were created under the watchful eyes of our resident tutors - one of the nicest things about a gathering weekend at Taliesin is that afterwards there always seems to be more beautiful things in the world than there were before....
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Pictures of the kayak building course have now been added to the Autumn 2008 Gallery page
The Geograph Project aims to collect representative images form each square kilometre of the British Isles. Ed has been sharing some pictures of Taliesin at NX7955.
He also notes with pleasure that the Scots pines (and here) at the top of the recently felled Potterland Hill (overlooking Taliesin from the East) have been left standing and new regeneration growth is emerging. The Geograph also includes a fabulous shot of the new pond loop which really sets it in the landscape. This would be a good shot to repeat regularly and watch the ponds merge into the environment. Just to remind everyone who was a part of Taliesin in 1997, or who are curious newer-comers, what things looked like in those 'far off days' there is a link to Eds blog about the first festival added to the Archive gallery page....
Ed has taken some photos of the new watercourse and pond in the rain over the last couple of days.
Photos on Saturday 22nd August Photos on Sunday 23rd August Also going very high tech you can click here to see a video of the new burns and pond during the recent rain. Supply the greenery on the banks, lush pond flora and varied wildlife using your own imagination...... SImon has been very busy archiving his photos of Taliesin. If you want to look at them then they are at the bottom of the galleries page. There are loads of great pictures and lots of faces to spot.....
Christine and Tom have had a boy. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents and we look forward to seeing another generation at Taliesin.......
On August 9th 2009 the compost loo was finally topped off in style. The thatching which had been semi complete with an attractive tarpaulin cover is now a thing of joy and wonder and now the 'loo with a view' has a roof worthy of it. ![]() Jem with reeds mown by a hardy team on a lovely February afternoon in Auchencairn Bay. Once again the Taliesin experience takes you to places on your doorstep that you have never seen before, or at least not in that season or from that perspective. The Eden Festival is a three day music festival being held in Ae Forest on 3rd-5th September 2009. The organisers are generously compensating for the carbon footprint of the festival by donating the car parking fees to the Orchard and Wild Harvest Project.
A new series of ponds linking the burn at the middle and the bottom of the site have been dug. This will increase biodiversity around the pond site and hopefully create spawning areas for trout. Also local expertise is being sought to look at ways of attracting other species such as sand martins.
Ed has taken photos of the new ponds which can be seen here. |